  • Dec2024 - Feb2025
    Payment Gateway API
    Rust Freelancer
    • Rewrote a popular payment gateway’s Database Query API using Axum and Redis caching, and benchmark-ed performance against the production-grade Haskell implementation.
    • Implemented a custom DSL using sqlx library, minimizing manual querying.
    • Re-implemented the API with Diesel and SeaORM for performance comparison, achieving sub-100 microsecond query execution.
    • Analyzed the load performance of different versions of the API using Locust load testing framework.
    • Developed comprehensive query tests across implementations for improved debugging and productivity
  • Nov2024 - Dec2024
    Zvia Tech
    Frontend Freelancer
    • Developed the front-end for an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) platform using Next.js with sales visualization and logging.
    • Implemented numerous forms and added custom client-side query validation for faster response times and better user experience.
    • React components were tested using Storybook library for easier debugging and better development experience.
    • Wrote query scripts to connect the front-end and back-end using axios.
  • Nov2024 - Dec2024
    PostgreSQL Proxy Server
    Rust Freelancer
    • Developed a proxy server application, simplifying the end-users SQL queries using various SQL query transformations.
    • Implemented wildcard expression support and information schema retrieval in SQL transformations, reducing manual query edits by 60%, improving developer efficiency.
    • Enhanced SQL parsing with sqlparser-rs crate, enabling precise query validation and invalid column rejection.
    • Developed a test-driven workflow which enhanced debugging experience and faster development times.
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